Dos Continentes, Cuatro Generaciones (Spanish)
Dos Continentes, Cuatro Generaciones (Spanish)
Louis no le interesa la historia universal. “¿Qué tiene de divertido saber qué hiceron un montón de personas que ya están muertas?”, se pergunta. Sin embargo, una tarea del colegio lo acerca a sus raices familiares y lo sumerge en la vida de su abuelo polaco, quien tuvo que emigrar a Brasil durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A través de algunas viejas fotografias, los recuerdos de su madre y unas vacaciones en Polonia, en esta novella Louis descubre cuán distinta ya a la vez tan similar, fue la infancia de los dos.
Written by Beti Rozen & Peter Hays
Illustrated by Carlos Manuel Diaz Consuegra
Softcover - 183 pages - 15.6 cm x 20.3 cm
“Told in alternating chapters that skip between Louis in 2004 and Lejzor in 1939, the book is at its best describing life in Poland, Lejzor’s confusing trip to Brazil, and his reunion with his father, who years earlier went ahead to make a place for his family. Kids will be taken with the history, which may lead them to learn more about their own family stories. The attractive color and black-and-white interior art, much better than the line drawings that often appear in middle-grade fiction, add interest.”
Note: This book is available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.